Still. Gods God's prophets say it is the final minutes of the last day. See other posts.
We are not going to have a worry about toilet paper or getting old.
i know that it must seem silly to ask, but my brother and his family think that the big a will arrive before they die.
i tried to explain to my brother that everyone else who has ever lived in the past has died and only jesus has [physically] rose from the dead.. it is amazing that anyone could buy that line.
what crazy cult culture that could make people believe such nonsense?!.
Still. Gods God's prophets say it is the final minutes of the last day. See other posts.
We are not going to have a worry about toilet paper or getting old.
have you seen this on jworg?.
2 minutes in everyone's favourite clow, stephen lett, tells us all that this coronavirus means we're in the last days of the last days.. cool.
There are several posts here on it. The faithful are eating it up. First time I saw him at the convention video I was struck by his expressions and voice. I was wating for everyone to laugh, but they just sat there mesmerized. The last last.....with no proof at all.
special talk by lett.
very serious ( for him)droning voice.
wife fell asleep.
Dont forgrt the GB also invented toothbrushes
there going to start using the zoom app for the meeting ,got to go a help my aged parents to set it up.. i'm not very good at the technical stuff is there any way of hiding your self on the app or is this a way of them checking to see who's listening to the meetings.. thought fading would have been easier during this virus.. thanks.
May we assume WT owns stock in zoom? Or gets a kickback. Locally they were ramping skype, them suddenly changed
special talk by lett.
very serious ( for him)droning voice.
wife fell asleep.
Special talk by lett. Very serious ( for him)droning voice. Wife fell asleep
there going to start using the zoom app for the meeting ,got to go a help my aged parents to set it up.. i'm not very good at the technical stuff is there any way of hiding your self on the app or is this a way of them checking to see who's listening to the meetings.. thought fading would have been easier during this virus.. thanks.
Better than thought. You can put in any name, block video. I think!
so i just heard from a very reliable source that meetings, at least in some locations are now being video fed to the sheeple.
and guess what?
one can even comment and be seen by other members of the conference, for more encouragement.. i did see though that the service providing this video tie-in has as part of their tos this: you will receive a notification (visual or otherwise) when recording is enabled.
The pics are terrible. Small and out of frame. I would still tape the camera, good advice anyway.
How mych bandwidth is needed?
They just cant leave us to fade.
there going to start using the zoom app for the meeting ,got to go a help my aged parents to set it up.. i'm not very good at the technical stuff is there any way of hiding your self on the app or is this a way of them checking to see who's listening to the meetings.. thought fading would have been easier during this virus.. thanks.
Tape your camera.
every single member of the worldwide order of special full-time servants of jehovah’s witnesses (yb16 p. 176 2015 grand totals) – which includes all of the governing body, all bethelites, every jw missionary, every circuit overseer, and all special pioneers – are worse than people without* faith!
because they have all signed a vow of poverty which renders them as parasites, living off other people's earnings.
where in the bible is that a “principle”?
Had a CO sit here and tell all the world vacations he has done. Nothing I could afford. None was on his own money.
my area is a large city spread across two u.s. states and multiple different cities and counties.
the area of 2.5 million is covered by parts of 4-5 different circuits.
many of those attending meetings are at-risk individuals with health problems or age related risk.
There should soon be a special fund with unused moneys going to the WWW.